Mediation Project at JUCA: Short-Film Workshop

We also supported JUCA. With a mediation project.
From 2012 to 2016.

JUCA is a home for young homeless people, a temporary residence and an intermediate stop on their path toward an independent life. Homeless men and women aged between 18 and 30 find new footing in JUCA.

The short-film workshop is offered to JUCA residents, its aim being to motivate, encourage a change in perspective of the seemingly ordinary and to show young people how to access their own creativity. Equipped with camera and recording devices, the participants collect audio-visual material that is subsequently edited into videos in a joint live session.

The short-film workshop was developed by Gammon, a committed artist who has supervised the project since 2012.

The short films are annually presented at a special event during the Viennale – Vienna International Film Festival.

Short-Film Workshop 2016

The House     / 4:54 minutes
Themes          / 1:01 minutes
Opinion         / 3:12 minutes
Rap                 / 4:54 minutes


Last year’s short-film workshop at JUCA was devoted to the immediate needs and sensitivities of the JUCA residents, offering them the opportunity to confront the public with their concerns.

Compared to postings or tweets, developing and articulating these issues using the medium of short films was far more time-consuming. This was also supposed to stimulate discussion and create a contrast to fast-paced digital communication.



Project management: Gammon
Project coordination JUCA: Ursula Dober, Maria-Theresa Kienzer
Participants: Residents of JUCA


A project as part of Erste Bank Sponsoring Programme in collaboration with Caritas.



JUCA Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna
Roemergasse 64-66
1160 Vienna

Visit JUCA Caritas