Exhibition about Money
for Children

Supported from 2010 to 2017.

The exhibition deals with the basics of the money system. It explains how and why money originated and how it is produced. It is aimed at children aged between 8 and 14.

The exhibition works like a great game. At the beginning the children receive a small amount of initial capital that is credited to their “savings card” (similar to a debit card). They are able to use this money at the various exhibition stations, retracing in a playful way the most important movements in the flow of money. They can do various jobs and earn money, spend money on entertainment and shopping, and save and invest money. Interactive computer quiz stations give them an opportunity to immediately check their recently acquired knowledge and make money through “brain work”. The exhibition’s stations and learning situations open up diverse possibilities for haptic and exploratory learning.

Initiated by Erste Bank, the exhibition Moneten, Kies und Kröten (“Nickels, Dimes and Dough”) was realised at Vienna’s ZOOM Children’s Museum in 2010. A year later, it was conceived as a travelling exhibition in collaboration with the Graz Children’s Museum and has since been seen by more than 150,000 visitors in Graz (Steiermärkische Sparkasse), Bratislava (Slovenská sporiteľňa), Bucharest (Banca Comercială Română), Prague (Česká spořitelna) and Belgrade (Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad).

Carrying the title Abeceda novca (“The ABC of Money”), the exhibition is being shown at the Technical Museum in Zagreb until 23 April 2017.

The Money Exhibition in Different Cities
