Data processing in connection with online services

Our online services use various methods to obtain information about you, your surfing patterns and your device. To do this we access your web browser memory and store "identifiers" (such as cookies) there. This allows us, for a specific length of time, to recognise you and your device. We differentiate between the following two processing purposes.

1. Integral to the use of our online services

What´s the point of this? These forms of data processing are integral to you being able to use our website. 

Can you prevent this data processing? No. Without this data processing you will not be able to use our online services.


2. Web analysis

What´s the point of this? We use a web analysis tool to collect statistical usage and user behaviour data in relation to our website so that we can optimise our online offerings: Which website has a person come from? Which sub-pages were visited? How often and for how long was the website visited? Where did the user click through to? 

Can you prevent this data processing? Yes, you can. You can prevent these sorts of analysis by changing your data protection settings.

You would like to change your consent?

Services used by us

In order to perform the data processing described above, we use various service providers. You can read short descriptions of these services, and their processing purposes, here:

Consent Management Platform/"Cookie Banner" (integral)

We use "Commanders Act Consent Management Platform" to obtain, manage and document cookie consent. The operator of this platform is "Fjord Technologies" in France.



Our web analysis provider: Adobe Systems Software Ireland

You can opt out of your data being collected and stored by Adobe by deactivating the category "Web analysis" in your data protection settings.

Important: If you erase all cookies on your computer, you will also erase this opt-out cookie.  If you still want to opt out of your data being collected by Adobe, you must reset the opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie is set per browser and computer.


List of cookies


Cookie Name: areaID
Category: Essential
Active for: 1 year
Information stored: Stores the ID of the content page for the internal search function


Cookie Name: renderId
Category: Integral
Active for: Session
Information stored: Application load balancing

Cookie Name: TC_PRIVACY
Category: Integral
Active for: 1 year
Information stored: Saves the type of approval or rejection

Category: Integral
Active for: 1 year
Information stored: Saves the type of approval or rejection via the settings of the Consent Management Platform 

Cookie Name: TCPID
Category: Integral
Active for: 1 year
Information stored: Stores a unique ID of the visitor

Adobe Systems Software Ireland

Cookie Name: s_ecid
Category: Web analysis
Active for: 2 years
Information stored: Contains a copy of the Experience Cloud ID (ECID) or MID. The MID is stored in a key-value pair that follows this syntax, s_ecid=MCMID

Cookie Name: s_cc
Category: Web analysis
Active for: Session
Information stored: This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (simply set to “True”)

Cookie Name: s_sq
Category: Web analysis
Active for: Session
Information stored: This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality or the Activity Map functionality are enabled; it contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user

Cookie Name: s_vi
Category: Web analysis
Active for: 2 years
Information stored: Unique visitor ID time/date stamp

Cookie Name: s_fid
Category: Web analysis
Active for: 2 years
Information stored: Fallback unique visitor ID time/date stamp